Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Art Driven by Passion

This story comes from D. Varella who with his trusty lens and eye for the extraordinary delivered this piece. Enjoy!

There are quite a number of buskers in Orchard Road, but the more popular act is the Woodballs Hula. The busker, Mr. Oh, is a rather elderly man but seems to be in the trim of health. Some say that this hula is a form of exercise - not surprising! I caught him performing his hula enthusiastically on a hot afternoon, without a break, for more than an hour - what stamina!

He was especially keen, upon seeing a person with a camera, ever willing to increase his pace with a mischievous grin and bright sparkle in his eyes. He was looking for good publicity.

I dropped a few dollars in appreciation for the photo taking, and glanced at his money tray. I was surprised - in it was quite a tidy sum. Yes! With some relevant skills and lots of 'balls', one can actually make a decent living.

Photo credits: D. Varella