Going green may be the way - the only way!
If we are to save our planet, and extend its lifespan for our children we will need to begin immediately. There is little time to hesitate. it is time to take action, however small you think your attempts are.
The traditional way to go green is using the 3 R's: Re-use, Reduce and Recycle. Which other ways are there?
Creative ways may include: Reflect, Review, Re-solve, Remind, Reward, and Remake. Uncreative ways will be Remorse and Regret.
Break out of the scarcity mindset, and focus on a mindset of abundance. How do we create more with less?
Can going digital reduce our reliance for hard copies? Or, is this a pipe-dream? Is old school still relevant? If I use a diary to take notes, is it still useful compared to a PDA device? How can we actively un-support an industry or business? Is passivity a powerful approach? Is militant and passionate the way to go with fast-vanishing flora and fauna?
Here is an article I wrote that focuses on another blogger's annual eco-friendly challenge.
I dare you to take up this personal challenge. Improve OUR world by influence: one person at a time.
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